The man on the right is the one they say was arrested for the death of George Floyd. The man on the left was filmed actually killing George Floyd. They look nothing alike. IF they are the same person then the one on the right is 10 or more years younger than the one on the left. Something isn't right and we are being lied to.

Also we were told that Derek Chauvin (the police officer above) had an address in Florida as well as in Minneapolis, Minnesota. How could he afford two homes on a police officer's salary? When did he have time to live in Florida?  They say he worked for some night club as a security guard for 17 years.  This is the same night club that George Floyd worked at as a security guard there in Minneapolis. So when did he live in Florida?  Did they know each other? Or is everything we are being told lies, including names, addresses and jobs?

According to Derek Chauvin's Minneapolis neighbors they had no idea he was a cop. They never saw him in the uniform or driving home in the police car. This is highly suspicious since the news has said that he has been a cop there in Minneapolis for several years. So long in fact that he had many disciplinary actions against him, or strike that, he had many complaints against him with NO disciplinary actions taken. He just went on being a cop. Unless these stories are also lies.

Perhaps they are all crisis actors hired by George Soros to start the uprising around the world against racist brutality. 

All of this rioting and trying to destroy our country and our President is exactly what George Soros wants to accomplish. 

Soros paid for the caravans that were supposively coming in from Honduras.  Soros also paid for all the rioting immediately after President Trump won the election in 2016.  He has caused a lot of blood shed and destruction of property. Why isn't he in prison?  If anyone should be de-funded it should be Soros and not our police departments. 

I don't believe George Floyd is dead, if that is even his real name. Look up Dr. Winnie Heartstrong on Facebook. She has a video saying she also believes George Floyd (or whoever the actor was) is still alive and well. 

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  1. You are beacon of light, keep shining

  2. Free books on the George Event to aid researchers. This is a good blog page (Alice) that I just read. Yours, Jay


  4. Well, I think I detected another questionable activity ... It's the security cam video from the store across the street, The man known as "George" being pulled out of the vehicle, sat down, etc. When the "police officer" raises him back up, it's pretty clear someone is attempting to cover up his chest tattoo via PhotoShop??? What is up with that???

  5. The Obama Foundation twitter May 17 had a picture of George Floyd posters on it. This was 8 days before the staged event on May 25. Is saw it. It was there for about 10 before the picture of the posters was removed. See Q post 4436 and 4437.

  6. I believe it was a false flag. Used for a very organized protest, riot, thugs ... by Scumbag Soros. He’s used this method several times before, in practice for his target, America. Along with his helpers, China & the Clintons. The 3 have always worked together, since their 1st project Rhodesia.
    I wasn’t sure how he’d destroy Europe but they had a plan. Don’t take Mohammed to the mountain, take the mountain to Mohammed.
    So he flooded Europe with ungrateful refugees. On to their final destination, USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Damn & then Came Trump. Slammed the breaks on that plan. As they did to EU, was planned for here. Hillary had big plans for her first 100 & then 200 days in office. It was all about how many hundreds of thousands of refugees they were bringing it. Truth. Hence, the caravans started. Soros, China & The Clinton’s are a match made in Hell. These psychos must never succeed, with their plan.
    The tip of Africa was known as Gods Window. Just beautiful. Excellent education systems, great economy even though under sanctions for a decade by USA. They ran great export of many items including fruits & food products. After they raped the mine’s, murdered the white farmers, called genocide on the white race. As they doing here. China took over all farming. These 2 countries have high crime, no exports , import their food from China , who grow it on their land which they’ve leased for long term. Corrupt Government’s put in by the 3 named above.
    They with the Obama funded virus 🦠 starting convincing farmers to get rid of their live stock, their produce πŸ‘€ Wake Up.
    George was the kick off, I agree - False Flag, Crisis Actors, Evil DemonRats we dealing with. Trump 2020 or we will be a 3rd World ShitHole like he did to all others before this one. He owns the Dems & the Clinton’s sold them America in exchange for their part of the Deal. They all on the highest level of Evil, beyond anything most can comprehend.

  7. How many Police cars have "police" as their licence plate?


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