What's Happening To The Children?

This was posted on the internet as a MacCauley Culkin interview. I wish I could find the actual interview instead of getting it 2nd or 3rd hand, but for now this is what I have.

During the interview, Culkin claimed that children in the entertainment industry "learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you and which of them have even darker tastes." explaining that some of the Hollywood executives wear "skin trophies".

Explaining that he was 11 the first time he saw human leather, Culkin said he was "filming Home Alone 2 in New York", when he was "ushered into a back room on the set. There was a guy in there, a powerful executive suit type, you know what I mean.?"

"He tried to make me relax by giving me a can of Coke."

"Started telling me about the nature of the industry."

"Basically he wanted to cut my  parents out."

"He wanted to be my guardian."

"He said he would make me into the biggest teen star in history."

"He said I had it all but I had to get rid of my parents."

"I was like "Dude, I'm 11." and he said "You're a man now."

Culkin, who has been living in Paris, France since 2003 then explained that the man "began to make his intentions clear."

"He started breathing real shallow. My experience with perverts kicked in. I could tell he was interested in me. He licked his lips and told me I was very handsome."

"I think I managed to say 'thank you' and started thinking about how I could get the f*ck out of there."

"Then he reached into his case and took out a cack pipe.  He put it in his lap, took out this huge lighter and continued to gase at me with this overpowering sexual desire."

"I was just staring at him. I think I said something like "Dude, I'm 11" again."

"I remember he said to me, "It's a celebration little man. To celebrate your upcoming success. Your many successes. Come. Sit back down."

"He was tapping the pipe on his crotch smiling this total creepazoid smile. "

"I ran out of the room but I ran straight into this other guy who was outside the room and he grabbed me by the arm and threw me back inside. "

"He lit the pipe and blew the smoke in my face. He told me to look at his shoes."

"He said they were made from the skin of children he and his friends had murdered."

"He said leather made from human skin is the finest leather known to man."

MacCaulay Culkin said the Hollywood executive then droped a heavy hint about the provenance of the skin used to make his shoes.

"He asked me if I knew Heather O'Rourke."

"Yeah, I remember her. I grew up watching Poltergeist. I remembered her in Happy Days. She was so cute."

"Then it dawned on me what he was getting at and I vomited all over his shoes."

This was posted on MacCaulay Culkin's Instagram page:

Also Mac tweeted this:

Is Macaulay trying to tell us what is happening with his Pizza Underground Band and his Bunny Ears?

Or is he part of the problem?  Remember Isaac Kappy told us about Seth Green.

What do you think?

~AliceSpring Dresses promotion
Spring Dresses


  1. I remember seeing this article and hearing him say it yeah these people are super creepy and God needs to wipe them all out

    1. Thank you for telling me this. I thought I might get a lot of comments saying "you have no proof he said this!" At least the person who put up the article I read did save a screenshot of the article before it "disappeared".

    2. Hew was in France. Did he not run to there when Isaac Called him out.

      Why does he say all this this after Isaacs Death? Does not make sense.
      With his Fame and Isaac's courage. They could of destroyed Hollywood together easily!

      French newspaper Les Echos’ headline reads: Macaulay Culkin speaks about Hollywood ritual child abuse live on radio

      Every site who’s attempted to publish it got scrubbed…

  2. I appreciate the information. I truly hope good things are coming in the way of arrests ect. Given a chance I would gladly rid society of these poor excuses for humans. Thanks for you work. Pray for the children..

    1. Absolutely! (I wish this had a heart or like button! Then you would all know I did appreciate your comments!)

  3. Not gona lie hes very easily cohearsed is old culkin also didnt he have quite a dodgy picture with his goddaughter paris?

    AMAZING WORK as always Alice keep it coming

    1. I want to believe he's not part of it, but with those tweets about "milkshakes bring the boys to my yard" I think he must be part of the pedo world too. Sad. You'd think people who were abused would be the very last ones to abuse too.

    2. Definitely but its been said think Kappy said its part of the sick world alot then go onto abuse etc lets hope when the justice is in play it gets the core, I found those very under reported threshers u covered worse theyve got some very sick people in there system, and for such a a respectable religous community that on the face of things have totally fooled the world they rep Jesus BUT who knew mormons were so sick


  4. I truly appreciate your work, it is eye-opening! It took me down a rabbit hole that found the “SGN prom“ that features known Hollywood pedos and was watched by millions of high school girls that they invited. Searching more got me to a child pedo knock off SGN site that needs to be reported: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wDBgeyQo5mpJWZfE3W-Dw
    I hope you can help by sharing.

    1. You will also see a child’s chalk Art drawing of Woody with his head off here: https://youtu.be/o1zIgTwENPg

  5. Hi I tried to contact you on u tube but everytime I checked I kept getting told there was a message but no messages showed.
    Last I checked I sent an email address for you and again it showed a response but once I click all I can see are my own resonses.
    The one message I did receive from you was when you asked who MM was so I am assuming you are receiving mine just fine.
    I have heard of Shadow banning and I've noticed a few times I don't responses when I have expected one.
    I figured I would give this go, I didn't notice you had a blog so I am happy I had to check.

  6. This is what I could find-

  7. https://danielsolis.cz/macaulay-culkin-satanic-hollywood-elites-murder-children-during-rituals/amp/

  8. how's the name of this piece shit "executive"? He said?


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